Ahorra $$$ en tu
préstamo de coche

Retribuimos a nuestros socios con una oferta exclusiva.

Reemplace o refinancie su vehículo con Centra, y podría obtener:

  • Un tipo de interés tan bajo como 4,99% TAE1 con pago automático desde una cuenta corriente Centra
  • Sin pago durante 90 días2
  • Un pago en metálico3

Valid through April 30, 2025.

1. APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Automatic payments qualify for a 0.25% rate discount, which may result in rates as low as 4.99% APR. Automatic payments from a Centra account are not required to receive an auto loan through Centra. This offer is available for auto and motorcycles. Refinanced loans must be a new loan to Centra OR Centra loan payoffs with a minimum $2,500 new money required and six months payment history verified by existing contract. Person-to-person purchases and dealership purchases funded directly through Centra are also eligible. Indirect auto loans originated through a dealership are not eligible. No other offers, coupons, or discounts apply. This offer is valid for applications taken from January 17, 2025, through April 30, 2025, with loan closings required by May 15, 2025. Interest accrues beginning the first day the loan closes. Your repayment term begins when your first payment is due. All loans subject to credit approval. Rate will vary by the term of the loan, your credit score, age of vehicle, etc. Rates are subject to change without notice.

2. Existe la posibilidad de aplazar los pagos hasta 90 días. Esta oferta no se aplica automáticamente.

3. El pago en efectivo está sujeto a la aprobación del crédito. El desembolso se calcula antes de incluir complementos como GAP, protección de deudas o contratos de servicio ampliados.

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