ClickSWITCH makes moving your account to Centra easy

When you decide to switch to Centra, ClickSWITCH moves everything over safely and securely in just a few clicks. ClickSWITCH automatically:

  • Notifies your employer to redirect your direct deposit.
  • Lets your utility companies know to deduct payments from your new Centra account.
  • Informs streaming and music services where to switch your recurring payments.
  • Initiates the closure of your old accounts.
  • Sends you automated text messages about your switch requests.
    • Reply ‘STOP’ if you don’t want to receive any more text updates.

Start switching your accounts today!

To get started, you just need to be a Centra Member.

To open an account, simply do so online or visit any Ubicación de Centra.

Ready to switch?

Start ClickSWITCH

If you’ve already opened your Centra account and have your activation code, click the button to access the login page. If you have questions about how to get started, call us at 800-232-3642.

Easy instructions for switching your direct deposit.
  1. Click ‘Start ClickSWITCH’ to log in to your account.
    1. Don’t have a ClickSWITCH account? Give us a call to get your activation code.
  2. Choose ‘Switch Direct Deposits’ on your ClickSWITCH dashboard.
  3. Select ‘Enter Direct Deposit Details.’
    1. If you’re not sure what deposits are coming into your current account, you can use Switch Assist to help you find them.
  4. Start typing the name of your employer, benefits agency, or other organization that sends your deposit. Choose your employer or agency from the suggested options, choosing a verified result, if there’s one.
  5. Can’t find the right employer? Click ‘Not here? Create a new depositor’ and complete the form.
  6. Decide which account you’d like your deposit directed to. If you have more than one Centra account, you can set certain amounts or percentages. Click ‘Continue’ when you’re done.
  7. Provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number and click ‘Continue.’
  8. Review all your information, make any changes if you need to, and click ‘Submit!’
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