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Estafas navideñas

Holiday Scams

The holidays are here, and that means more online deals and savings! But unfortunately, ‘tis the season for scams! During the holiday season, online scams spike as more and more individuals pick the ease of online shopping for their gifts. It’s important to always stay alert when browsing the web for the best deals. Some may be too good to be true.

Common do’s and don’ts of online shopping:


  • Research websites you are unfamiliar with.
  • Hover over links in emails and social media ads to preview the actual destination of a URL.
  • Keep track of your purchases to make sure the merchant ships your items.
  • Shop on a secure network and refrain from using public Wi-Fi.


  • Don’t click on unfamiliar links or unsolicited emails that you’ve received.
  • Don’t always believe heavy discounts. If the deal seems too good to be true, it likely is.
  • Don’t wire transfer money to unknown merchants or use person-to-person payment apps to pay for an item.
  • Don’t buy from an unsecured website.
  • Don’t forget to inspect your purchases and check for any damages or discrepancies.

It can be all too easy to get distracted by great deals or a flashy website. When shopping online, it’s important to do your homework and follow these best practices to avoid falling victim to scams this holiday season.

Looking for more?

Read up on more ways to stay clear of potential scams this season! The Better Business Bureau just released some tips about 12 scams to be aware of this holiday season.

You can read more about avoiding scams in our blog post aquí. Plus, check out our Fraud Awareness page for more information about keeping yourself safe online.